Training, development and scientific exchange
Journal clubs
Discussions on topics including: genomics, proteomics, systems biology and integrative biology are regularly organized at IBIS. For more information:
According to their interests, IBIS members are encouraged to participate in either the journal club on Evolutionary Genomics and Systems Biology, or the journal club on Integrative Biology.
Club Bioinfo IBIS
The Club Bioinfo IBIS’s mission is to promote sharing of bioinformatics knowledge among different research teams at IBIS as well as with external groups. The club regularly organizes public presentations, training workshops, and discussion meetings run by and for IBIS and external members, including students, postdoctoral fellows, researchers, and research professionals. The topics covered concern both fundamental (e.g. programming, algorithmic) and applied bioinformatics (e.g. genomics, proteomics, biostatistics).!forum/club_bioinfo_ibis
Interlab IBIS
Interlabs occur weekly during Fall and Winter semesters and provide IBIS members opportunities to present the results of their research projects to the whole IBIS community. Open to all members, they are an excellent way to discover other projects that are taking place at IBIS and to exchange ideas with other members!
IBIS Seminars
Nationally and internationally recognized researchers are regularly invited as guest speakers to present their research. Attendance is open to everyone and these seminars are great opportunities to discover interesting research and develop future collaborations [program]
IBIS Student Day
This day is an exceptional opportunity for students and postdoctoral fellow to present their work in the field of integrative biology. All are invited to present their work! For more information: