Antony Vincent

Antony Vincent, Département de Sciences animales


Institut de biologie Intégrative et des systèmes
Pavillon Charles-Eugène Marchand
Room 4233D
Tel. 1-418-656-2131 # 417949


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I did my doctoral studies in microbiology at Université Laval where I investigated the genomics of the bacterium Aeromonas salmonicida and its phages. Subsequently, I completed a postdoctoral fellowship at the Institut Armand-Frappier (INRS) in collaboration with the Institut Pasteur in Paris. During this internship, I had the opportunity to study the bacterium Leptospira and to explore other pathogens, such as Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Passionate about teaching and research, I am now a professor in the department of animal sciences at Université Laval.

The agri-food industry is a decisive sector on a global scale and faces considerable challenges. Infectious diseases are a permanent threat to the health of farmed animals. In addition, the increase in antibiotic resistance makes treatment difficult, if not impossible, in some cases.

My research program, funded by NSERC and MAPAQ, revolves around understanding the molecular mechanisms that allow the evolution and adaptation of pathogenic bacteria in monogastrics, such as pigs and poultry. To do this, my research group uses and develops bioinformatics tools in addition to microbiological characterization. We are particularly interested in the mobility of antibiotic resistance genes in the animal microbiome and the impact of genomic rearrangements on bacterial pathogenicity. We also explore the relationships between pathogens and bacteriophages to understand how these viruses influence the behavior of bacteria. In addition, we verify the possibility of using bacteriophages as a therapeutic in farm animals. Finally, we explore the possibility of optimizing the microbiome of animals in an eco-responsible way to improve their general health, their resistance to pathogens and their zootechnical performance, thus making it possible to reduce the use of antimicrobial agents.

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