

As a member, student or postdoctoral fellow, get involved in the life of the Institute and contribute directly to its development.

Student Committee

Created by and for the Institute’s students and postdoctoral fellows, the student committee is involved in the organization of seminars and the Institute’s Student Day. The Chairperson of the student committee also sits on the Institute Committee and represents the interests of students. The student committee is a great place to share your ideas and suggestions about the Institute.

IBIS Student Day

The Student Day provides an exceptional opportunity for students and post-doctoral fellows to present their research in integrative biology fields to all the members of the Institute. Everyone, including professors and research professionals are invited to participate in this day. For more information:

Seminars – Conferences

Many of our members are involved in the organization of seminars, conferences, round tables, and discussions. IBIS members have also formed various clubs focussed on specific topics of shared interest, for example the Laval University Genome Editing club (

Don’t be shy to participate in the organization of these clubs, seminars, and conferences!

Social life

The IBIS social committee organizes regular events throughout the year: the Christmas party, New Year’s, “Cabane à sucre” Sugar time, Fête Nationale “St. Jean Baptiste Day” BBQ, and the Halloween party! Everyone is invited to attend these events. Some of the best scientific ideas were generated at social gatherings and your participation facilitates and enriches these exchanges between IBIS members. You can also get involved in the organization of these events by participating in the Social Committee’s meetings!

Sustainable development

The objective of the Sustainable Development Committee is to improve the work environment at IBIS in socially responsible ways. You are invited to provide your suggestions / comments to the committee or to participate directly by joining the committee. Your ideas are welcome!

The minutes actions from the committee [link document pdf]

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